First off, here is my stockpile. I was going to post this at the end, but this is how the pictures came up. (On a side note, blogger makes doing pictures so hard. I wish they game you a bigger window to work with. I hope you understand what I mean.) So here is my STOCKPILE. Kind of exciting for me to see.
I have about 20 packages of wipes:)
I have about 20 packages of wipes:)
Water for this hot Arizona desert!
Here is my real stockpile. It's not a whole lot of room so hard to really organize it. Tried my best though.
Here is my shopping trips I did. It was a total of 6 stores, YIKES.
OS= On sale
MC= Manufacturer Coupon
SC= Store Coupon
Fruit Snacks SC making them $1.49 ea- 2 MC- $1 = $1ea
Granola Bars SC making them $1.49 ea- 2 MC- $1 = $1ea
Brownie mix SC making them $.98 - 1 MC-$1 = FREE
Store # 2- CVS:
Chicken Salad OS for $.88
Tuna Salad OS for $.88
Dawn Dishsoap OS $.99 - MC $.50=$.49 ea
Huggies Diapers ON 2/$18- SC $4.00 - 2MC $3.00= $8.00
Savings= $24.04***
***This ended up being wrong. The diapers were only 2 for $18 If you bought 2 of the one kind and my SC was spacific to the jean diapers so I returned them.
Plus it says I saved $1.31 on each of the salad kits, but really only like $.20 cuz they are $1.12 at Walmart at the normal price I've boughten them.
Store # 3- Albertsons:
Hunts tomato sauce OS .77 ea when you buy 13
Frito Lay Products OS $1.57
Mars single size candy OS .29
Snickers OS $2 - 2MC $1= $1 ea
(stocking up for Halloween already)
According to reciept
Total Spent= $19.06
Total Saved= $16.90
Store #4- Walgreens:
I did 3 transactions because of "register rewards" I should have done them in a different order, but I thought I was getting register rewards for the toilet paper.
Trans #1:
Contact Solution $8 get $8RR
Trans #2:
Toilet Paper $5- 2SC -$1= $4 ea
Trans #3
Mini Wheats OS 4/$10- 2MC-$1=$2ea and $5RR
Plus with the Cereal I can enter codes online for $5 concession gift card to use at AMC.
So really it was "like" being $2 moneymaker.
Store #5 Target:
Milano Cookies $1- 2MC- $1= FREE
Zyrtec 5ct $5.29- MC -$5= $.29
Ziploc 120 ct OS 2/$5- 2MC- $1= 1.50 ea (not the best deal, but seemed good at the time.)
Store #6- Fry's: (Not pictured) All coupons = $1
I bought a bunch of Kroger frozen veggies that were $.88 each.
Michellina frozen entrees $.88 ea
Crest toothpast OS $.98- MC= FREE
Edwards frozen dessert OS $2.79- MC= 1.79
Toaster Strudle OS 1.79- SC = $1.29 ea
Total Spent=$17.43
Total Saved $14.39
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